tut N°5 : Raven design V2 with Photoshop

Raven design V2 with Photoshop

Welcome to this new tutorial, in the latter we will create a photo montage using textures and brushes for a fabulous record, and that's what happens at the end

Before you begin, you must download the Pack according resource, then open a new document 1200x1630 pixels resolution 72dpi RVB8bits colors.
Then add a gradient fill layer by going to Menu> Layer> New Fill Layer> Gradient.

Then import the following texture in your document.

Change its blending mode to Overlay .

Then duplicate your layer (Ctrl + J) four times to get this

Download the image of the raven Next ref # 8096163 if you can not or do not want, use another image.

Cut out the image by following the tutorial clipping hair in Photoshop cs5

Then import the selection in your document and align it like this

Then desaturate it by going to Menu> Image> Adjustments> Desaturate

Import the image of the next pigeon and adjust like this

 Desaturate it by going to Menu> Image> Adjustments> Desaturate then invert the colors by going to Menu> Image> Adjustments> Invert (Ctrl + i)

Then take the eraser tool (E) and erase everything except the pigeon wing

Take the buffer duplication tool (S) and sample bits of the raven and paste them over the wing of the pigeon

Now create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N), take the brush tool (B) and draw clouds and splash black for this.

Add more splash and try to get the following form

Import other crows and adjust like this

Then add a little 3D text and put it down

Import one hand and put it between layers splash for the following effect

Then desaturate it by going to Menu> Image> Adjustments> Desaturate then go to Menu> Images> Adjustments> Levels.

 Create another layer and paint the eye of the raven with gray

Change its blending mode to Overlay

Create another layer, paint with the next color # f38ece different place on our design by reducing the opacity of the brush to 80% and changing its blending mode to Overlay.

Now paint in the beak of the raven using color # etlumière ff00a2 strong for its the merge option and 80% opacity which gives you this.

Import the image into your document following clouds

Change its blending mode to lighten

Take the Eraser Tool (E) delete some piece of your image to get the following result

Then add a layer of color balance adjustment by going to Menu> Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance and adjust the shadows like this

Press (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E) to obtain a copy of the merged layers then go to Menu> Filter> Sharpen> Unsharp Mask.

And here is the final result

enjoy ! 

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