tut N°8 : How to Create Abstract Background of Colored Bars
How to Create Abstract Background of Colored Bars :
Oftentimes there’s a need for a quick but unique design. In this tutorial, I’ll be showing you a short but attractive way to create a graphic for backgrounds, wallpapers, greeting cards, designs, and all that other good stuff. You will learn a simple Photoshop trick that you can easily manipulate for your daily needs.
First off, let’s start by creating a new document and applying the oh-so-obligatory clouds (Filter > Render > Clouds).
Now that we have our base to work with, apply Mezzotint (Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint) with type “Long Strokes.”
Doesn’t look like much right now, but with the magic of motion blur (Filter > Blur > Motion Blur), with an angle of 90 degrees and a distance of 999 for the settings, everything will be better.
Now add a new layer and overlay some color over it. Here I chose
the Rainbow Gradient using the Gradient Tool (G), but you can choose whatever suits you. When you have a layer of color, set the layer mode to Overlay.
If you feel like being creative, you can tweak some more by changing the curves (Ctrl + M) to make the image either brighter or gloomier depending on the mood.
Now create a new layer. Then select the Marquee Tool (M), set it to elliptical, and the Feather to 30, and select around the picture (use the example below for reference). Then select inverse (Ctrl + Shift +
I), and fill (Edit > Fill) with black. Then change the Opacity to 75% so that it is a bit more subtle.
Again create a new layer, and with the same Marquee tool settings as above, select (use the example below as reference). Then change the curve (Ctrl + M) to something like in the example. Afterward, change the Opacity to 60% so that it isn’t blinding. Try to be creative and change the
settings to your taste.
This is the way, and you can add them ideas.Example :
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